Thursday, October 31, 2019

Character of Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Character of Socrates - Essay Example The paper initially compares, then contrasts and eventually concludes about the character of Socrates. This is done by taking into account what is said by Nietzsche about Socrates’ problems in TI, as Socrates talks with Crito and as seen in Apology. Some of the attributes of Socrates as discovered by Nietzsche are similar to the ones seen in Apology, when Socrates appeared in court and when he talked with one of his friends Crito. There are certain characteristics of Socrates, which did not change, even though his life became quite tough. These include: I. Being argumentative II. His acts of being a real criminal III. Being erotic IV. Being controversial V. Being ironical I. Argumentative Socrates was actually argumentative (Friedrich 33). He began his speech by arguing on how the problem he faced was massive; he stated that his accusers hardly uttered a word of truth about him. He went onto further state that his accusers may go ahead and tell the men of Athens that Socrates deceives people through his eloquence. He also goes onto declare that using the same words is like a known habit to Socrates, since it was seen in the money changer’s table and agora among other places. ... Socrates established that this was one of his principles. He further explained that the bad opinions need no consideration, but good ones need careful deliberation. He explained that this was the reason for him not escaping to a nearby safe country. He took one-step further and stated that his opinions are better than the rest, since he regarded himself as a wise man. The opinions of unwise people are evil and therefore require no attention. II. Being a typical criminal Nietzsche discovered Socrates as a typical criminal. Nietzsche validates this fact by stating that in Apology, Socrates, in the presence of judges confronted everyone without any sort of fear or remorse. By defiantly asking Meletus to name the improver of the youth, he implied that he was the youth’s corrupter. Furthermore, one of the foreigners also told Socrates that he was full of worst appetites and vices. At this remark, Socrates actually agreed with the foreigner, stating ‘You know me sir’, s howing that someone who barely knew Socrates also found him to be a criminal. Moreover, Nietzsche also used the appearance of Socrates to claim that since Socrates was so ugly, he was ugly in spirit, as well, as elucidated by ‘monstrous in appearance, monstrous in spirit. III. Socrates was erotic Socrates was quite erotic, as mentioned by Nietzsche. He told men of Athens that he was not going to change his way of living, even if he had to die many times. He told people not to interrupt him, while he was delivering his speech, as shown in Apology in these lines ‘And I must remind you that you are not to interrupt me if I speak in my accustomed manner’. (Walter and Hollingdale, 162). He claimed that he might be a corrupter of youth by stating that he never misled them intentionally. By asking

Monday, October 28, 2019

Assesing the Curriculum for Special Education Essay Example for Free

Assesing the Curriculum for Special Education Essay School can be particularly challenging for children with special needs, including those with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, who often experience poor academic performance, behavior problems, and difficulties with social interaction. The situation can be further complicated by the fact that there is no typical, predictable classroom style common to all children with special needs, for that matter. It can also be hard for parents to tell how much of any problem identified by a teacher falls into the normal range of a child development, for example how much is due to ADHD, and how much is due to coexisting problem such as learning disability, anxiety disorder, or disruptive behavior and others. Add to this fact that the public school system here in the Philippines may not have Individualized Education Program (IEP) that will meet the needs of these special children. In this study, the researcher will use different basic methods of assessing special education curriculum how it may be integrated into the mainstream or general education particularly in the Philippine public school system, without compromising quality of education. Objectives of the Study The objectives of this research proposal are a) to assess the basic curriculum of special education; b) to identify the positive and negative effect of the integration of such curriculum with the general education in the mainstream classroom and c) to identify effective classroom and teaching styles of special education. Statement of the Problem So many parents who have a child with special needs, particularly ADHD, have a dilemma when it comes to placing their children in public school system in the Philippines, since they are not included in the public school curriculum. And most public school teachers, if not some, may not be fully aware of the special needs of a child with ADHD and for that matter, does not have special skills in dealing with such students. Only special schools or some private schools deal with special children or include special education in their general education curriculum. On November 2005, my six-year old daughter was diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Since she was moving up to first grade, sending her to a public school was practical and a good choice, yet doubtful that the public school system has educational intervention for children with special needs like her, within the mainstream classroom setting. Her developmental pediatrician suggested for a behavioral therapy and tutorial through a SPED School, for that matter but it was important for my child to interact with children her age in a normal classroom setting, so the plan did not push through. . Scope and Limitation The Department of Education often stresses the need for a good public education which is free and accessible to every child in the country, including children with special needs, particularly those with Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who came from all levels of society. It is therefore important to assess and evaluate special education curriculum to see if it can be integrated in the mainstream classroom. The special education evaluation process requires the school district to assess the student in all areas related to the suspected disability as well as conducting a comprehensive educational assessment for integration to happen in a normal classroom. Most educators believe that children with disabilities and nondisabled children should be taught together whenever possible. Isolating children with disabilities may lower their self-esteem and may reduce their ability to deal with other people. The practice of integrating children with disabilities into regular school programs is called mainstreaming, or inclusion. Students with disabilities attend special classrooms or schools only if their need for very specialized services makes mainstreaming impossible. Many children with disabilities attend regular classes most of the school day: They work with a specially trained teacher for part of each day to improve specific skills. These sessions may be held in a classroom  called a resource room, which may be equipped with such materials as Braille typewriters and relief maps for blind students. Other students with disabilities attend special classes most of the day but join the rest of the children for certain activities. For example, students with mental retardation (MR) may join other children who do not have MR for art and physical education. Although the place where instruction occurs (the setting) is seen as important in the field of special education, the types of curricular modifications and interventions may be a more important area to focus on in the future. Hypothesis This research is important in giving helpful ideas in relation to a child with special needs, especially with ADHD, and the effect of learnings he will get, especially in the public school setting, which gives free education to all. This research will help foster a child’s academic and social success in school through a good curriculum designed specifically for his needs, by assessing general education curriculum through the Curriculum-based evaluation and other related tools for assessment and evaluation. This research will deal on the questions: 1. What type of school-related challenges children face most often? 2. How effective is the special education curriculum to children with special needs and what areas need improvement? 3. Which classroom structures, teachings styles and accommodations can best support the child’s learning? 4. How can the integration affect the mainstream classroom? CHAPTER II Related Literature Blankenship, C. S. , (1985). Using curriculum-based assessment data to make instructional decisions. Exceptional Children, 52, 233-238. This article is part of a special issue of Exceptional Children devoted to Curriculum-Based Assessment. Blankenship describes the essential features of CBA and provides suggestions for development. She places a special emphasis on describing how teachers can use CBA for curriculum placement, materials, and instructional procedures. CBA and CBM Compare and Contrast www. teacherstoolkit. com/classroom1. htm CBA and CBM are compared and contrasted on this Web site. This is a good site for educators who are new to Curriculum-Based Evaluation as basic differences between CBA and CBM are described. A few articles and books are referenced. CBA Techniques www. johnvenn. com/assessment. htm The author of this site, John Venn, is a professor of education at the University of North Florida and is a good resource for teachers who are interested in implementing CBA in their classrooms. Venn lists in-class assessment and alternative grading strategies. He stresses how CBA techniques are quick, easy and that any teacher can use them. Deno, S. L. , (1985). Curriculum-based measurement: the emerging alternative. Exceptional Children, 52(3), 219-232. Deno introduces CBM as an alternative assessment approach that is both valid and reliable. He discusses the advantages and disadvantages of informal observation and also standardized commercial achievement tests. Dizon, Edilberto I. , Ed. D. An Article: Educational Intervention for Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. UP College of Education, 1998. This article discusses the priorities and guidelines in teaching children with ADHD. The author discussed how to assess the classroom that would enable teachers to decide on appropriate placement and design a customized educational program for the child, even at a mainstream classroom. He also talked about structure within in the classroom, its organization of chairs and tables and seating arrangements and the workspace for the child. It is also important to assess the curriculum and its contents. To make sure that there is provision of task-analyzing for the different skills of the child, to adopt anticipatory teaching and guidance which emphasize foresight and preventive intervention. Supervisors should be able to assess if teachers are able to focus on processes as much as outcome in their teaching and are able implement good behavioral management inside the classroom. Hall, T. , Mengel, M. (2002). Curriculum-based evaluations. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved [3/22/2008] from http://www. cast. org/publications/ncac/ncac_curriculumbe. html This publication includes discussions on academic assessment, which is a long-standing tradition in education. Assessment usually involves measurement of student progress for the purpose of informing. One level of informing is identification or eligibility decision-making, a second level is that of informing instruction. Traditional assessment instruments have limitations which restrict their application for instructional program planning. It also introduces alternative assessment procedures appearing in educational literature in the last 20 years are Curriculum-Based Evaluations (CBE). Whereas standardized commercial achievement tests measure broad curriculum areas and/or skills, CBE measures specific skills that are presently being taught in the classroom, usually in basic skills. It further states that assessment usually involves measurement of student progress for the purpose of informing. The author reviewed the beginning of CBE, wherein many of its systems had their beginnings in the special education domain. In some cases, research began specifically in the self-contained special education classroom. In others, the roots of the measurement system sprang from the desire to most appropriately integrate students with disabilities into the general education classroom. The tools described here under the name of Curriculum-Based Evaluations all had important roles and made contributions in research and practice in the general education class. Peters, Helen. An Article: Understanding and Educating Children with ADHD. Winston Churchill Fellow. 1998 This article was written as an overview in educating children with ADHD. The author describes children with ADHD and how to identify these children at the early years. She discussed about the rules in assessing ADHD. In classroom assessment, the author came up with four important questions in order for a teacher to have an effective classroom management. Understanding the different learning styles for special children was also discussed in this article. A series of questions were asked when thinking how to support the learning needs of the ADHD child was also included in this paper. The author also mentioned the school’s response to academic failure and the importance of visual display of lessons. Reiff, Michael I. , Tippins, Sherill, (2004). The American Academy of Pediatrics: ADHD: A Complete and Authoritative Guide. Your Child at School, 155-193. American Academy of Pediatrics. This book will help readers apply the most current evidence-based and best-practice approaches for finding solutions for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many important topics are addressed in this book including the advice on management techniques for school and home. In the chapter Your Child at School, readers will learn the type of school-related challenges children with ADHD face most often, the classroom structures, school policies, teaching styles and accommodations that can be beneficial for child with ADHD learns and how to individualized education program can work with a child, his teachers and even his pediatrician. CHAPTER III Methodology and Procedure 1. Conduct a literature review on special education curriculum and the public education system in the Philippines. 2. Observe a special education class for 1 hour everyday, for one week, focusing mostly on the curriculum, classroom and behavioral management and teacher’s skills, using the CBE Curriculum-Based Evaluations are best defined by Deno (1987) as any set of measurement procedures that use direct observation and recording of a student’s performance in a local curriculum as a basis for gathering information to make instructional decisions (in Shinn, 1989; p. 62): †¢ 3. Interview a public school superintendent/principal and teachers to attempt to gather reactions on the integration of special education curriculum into the general education system. The following questions will be: †¢ a. What is the general curriculum in the regular classroom? †¢ b. What are the aids, services or changes to the educational program that would help the child learn and achieve? †¢ c. What do you think are your strategies to help the child with behavior, if behavior is an issue? †¢ d. How can your student with special needs be involved and progress in the general curriculum? †¢ e. How can your student participate in extracurricular and other activities? and †¢ f. How can he/she be educated with other children, both with and without disabilities? 4. Interview a special education supervisor and teachers to attempt to gather reactions on the integration of special education curriculum into the general education system. While the interviews will not be formal or structured, the kinds of questions I will ask include the following: a. What type of school-related challenges children face most often? b. How effective is the special education curriculum to children with special needs and what areas need improvement? c. Which classroom structures, teachings styles and accommodations can best support the child’s learning? d. How can the integration affect the mainstream classroom? 5. Write a research report that combines my understanding of the special education issue and previous research with the results of my empirical research. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mcdonalds And Computer Systems Information Technology Essay

Mcdonalds And Computer Systems Information Technology Essay McDonalds is one of the fast growing and wide available fast food chain of the world. It has developed a global recognition a competitive advantage all over the world. Technology is the new paradigm of assessing a business performance and success. In our discussion, we will discuss that how McDonalds is able to manage its computer systems. In the start, we will discuss the major component, subcomponents and performance requirements of computer systems. Then we will discuss the operating systems and suggest a compatible operating system to be used with an organization. Thirdly, there will be a discussion about how can we design a computer system keeping in view the end user requirements and organizational goals. Finally, we will test our designed computer system for example, it is properly designed or note keeping view the organizational goals, functional fitness and health and safety of end users. Introduction: As we all know that McDonalds is one of the most growing fast food chains of the world. It has a very diverse system of operations and management. Today due to the recent advancements in technology, McDonalds has developed such a computer and information technology system to manage its operations which has now become a core competence for McDonalds against its competitors. Technology can be a great competitive advantage against competitors if it is used efficiently and correctly. In our discussion, we will try to view technology and computers as a part of operations strategically. First of all, we will investigate the computer systems of McDonalds. Outcome 1: Investigation of Computer Systems P1: Machine components or sub systems appropriate to given task: If we see the operations of McDonalds, then we can easily analyze that due to wide spread and diversity of McDonalds operations, we need a complicated, complex and flexible internal computer database system. This system is needed in such a way that all the departments such as Marketing, Finance and Human Resources should record their operations and data in one database system for integrity and convenience. Talking about the sub systems, we need to develop such a strong subsystem to develop a strong integration in operations but with customer convenience and satisfaction. In terms of machine components, we need CPUs, Display Monitors, Networking Designs and Operating System Software. On the customer side, we need to develop a convenient system to make customer experience better and to increase our sales. Due to the dramatic increase in internet and web users, it could be a powerful strategy to go online for selling merchandise. Unfortunately, McDonalds has not developed such a system yet to deliver goods to customers. They have developed a system of placing orders on phone in which goods like burgers are delivered directly to consumers. Finally, we should develop such a computer system which could provide us convenience, integration and better experience for customers. P2: Evaluation of the Performance of Selected System: The system above we have suggested for McDonalds has a large number of advantages which are as follows: Integrity and Reliability Speed of Operations Enhancement of Customer Experience Control and Audit And the main disadvantages could be: Complexity of Operations Higher Costs But if we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of selected system then we can see that advantages are more than disadvantages. The advantages of an enhanced computer system may easily overcome the costs of adopting such a system. If we see McDonalds, they have already installed the complete system as we discussed above, but there is small discrepancy that they are not yet online to sell their products. If they add this thing in their strategy, it would be a source of competitive advantage. The reason for is that mostly the online shoppers are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Youngstersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  and these youngsters are the most frequent buyers of fast food than the population of other ages. (Associated Press, 2004) (Meena Kumari Rajani, M. S. Chandio, 2004) Outcome 2: Investigation of Operating System P3: Functions and features of different types of operating systems: The different kinds of operating systems are Windows, Acorn Computers, Amiga, Apollo Computers, and Apple etc. The selection of a operating system purely depends on its efficiency, known quality and its compatibility with the organization systems. The different categories of operating systems are: technology, ownership, usage, working state and licensing etc. Microsoft is one the most extensively and widely used operating system in the business world. We think McDonalds being a fast food chain must adopt Microsoft as its operating system due to its known quality, compatibility and integrity. The basic features and functions of Microsoft windows are: Most Widely Used Integrity and Reliability Speed of Operations Another important function of windows is that it is mostly compatible with latest World Wide Web. There is some news about the compatibility issues of other operating systems. Another important function of windows is that it provides more network storage than any other operating system. Most of the computer systems are designed only for Microsoft and it works easily with the older computers. P4: How to customize operating systems: There is a large number of operating software which can be used to customize our operating systems. For example for customizing windows we can use Microsoft word, excel, works etc. For Mac, there is also much software for customization. If we analyze the operations of McDonalds, then by adopting windows, we can customize this operating system and it can be made flexible to use. For writing reports about daily sales or new recruits, we can use Microsoft word. Similarly, for financial reporting, we can use Microsoft Excel. For enterprise resource planning there are a large number of options available. For example, we can use SAP for as an ERP system for McDonalds. For Customer Invoicing, we can again use Microsoft word or Microsoft excel. This customization has also an advantage for us because the numbers of windows users are much more in world than Mac or other operating system users. The McDonalds is operating through franchising system in almost all the countries of the world (McDonalds Official Website, 2007). There are a different operating systems being used in different franchises of McDonalds. It could become a problem and inconvenience to control operations. We think McDonalds, should develop a single operating system and a world wide database to better manage and control it s operations. Outcome 3: Designing a Computer System P5: investigation and identification of the key components for a computer system for a particular user: The key components required for an individual totally depends on the usage and responsibility of a particular user. We can take an example, for example at the front desk needs a complete Central processing unit plus some accessories such as printers for printing invoices. Similarly the accounts department needs to have almost all computer accessories and components because they need to do financial recording and reporting. Similarly the marketing managers need laptops because they to analyze the consumers taste and habits. The higher management needs some extra system software to monitor the activities of the organization. Now will try to develop and investigate the key components for a marketing manager at McDonalds. A marketing manager needs to travel to different areas for making strategies about market segmentation and product positioning. Moreover, McDonalds is also operating in a whole world with diverse cultures and tastes. It has to face the challenges of different cultures and marketing managers need some research work to be done. Thirdly, they need to manage and direct their subordinates. Also, marketing managers need to communicate with the higher level management. Keeping all the function in mind, a marketing manager needs a LAPTOP with wireless internet connectivity for convenience and flexibility. Laptop is helpful because it will not affect the works of a manager while he is shifting places or travelling. Secondly, through internet connectivity, it can guide and manage subordinates through emails. P6: Complete computer system to suit a given task: Let us elaborate more on designing a special computer system for a special task. We will take human resources for McDonalds for our point of attention. McDonalds is a global organization and it operates is different parts of the world. Due to its operations in diverse parts of the world, it needs to hires from local countries to lower its cost and better operations. Human Resources Department of McDonalds has to face different kind of challenges to meet this objective. For example, interviewing candidates from different parts of the world is nothing more but a challenge. They need a computer system with complete components plus accessories such as printers and faxes etc. They also need internet connectivity. This will help them to interview candidates from different parts of the world and their efficient screening. Moreover, they can email candidates or can communicate with them online through internet connectivity. Moreover, they can publish their reports using Microsoft word or excel. They also need projectors and video conferencing to train their employees and subordinates. A proper internal database system must be designed to develop integration and convenience of operations. For example, Human resources department can access personnel information through anywhere in the world. This can help them in efficient personnel planning and employee database. Today, McDonalds is using the Human Resources Information system for this purpose. It is easy for the operation managers again to send reports to the human resources department for internet connectivity. Moreover, employees can easily report back to human resources department in all their organizational problems. Outcome 4: Testing the Computer System P7: Planning that check system hardware and software components using standard techniques: We can adopt systems development lifecycle for managing and checking the computer components just like McDonalds does. We can divide this checking and audit in three sections: Initiation phase, Planning Phase, Designing Phase. In the initiation phase, we can firstly assess the strategic business objectives and can have useful insights about our business. This step involves strategic business objectives and technology goals, expected benefits from adopting a computer system, expected and potential organizational changes, and business regulations and laws. Then we can move to the functional requirements and checks such as end user requirements, information and internal security requisitions, operating systems compatibility and adoption, and internal or external interface requirements. Thirdly, Project management and risk management must be considered. Finally, while selecting a computer system, alternative solutions must be considered. In the Planning phase, we need to plan about the rules and regulations and compatibility of technology with the organizational culture. In this phase, we can check and plan that if a computer system is compatible with the organizational culture or not? Secondly, based on the roles and controls of end user, we can analyze the functional fit of particular computer hardware or software requirement and availability. In the design phase, we can design or REDESIGN a computer system after considering the organizational requirements and end users convenience and efficiency. In our example of McDonalds, we can easily analyze that although McDonalds has a good computer system and management but a lot more needs to be done to avoid any future threat from competition. (, 2009) P8: User Documentation for Computer System: User documentation is the process of discussing and experimenting during a project or in an organization. This system is really important to implement. It includes goals, theories, roles, method, mechanics, and benefits. Goals involve the target assigned to each user in documentation. Well in case of computer sytem, it is the target of a user which he has to achieve using a system. For example, in the example of McDonalds, a sales officer need to properly use computer systems to reach potential sales. Theories involve the purpose or organizational objectives and visions. Users should work under the theories of organization. While roles, method, mechanics and benefits are all associated with user and all these things are important. (Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, 1991) P9: Security Policy for the System: The Computer system can be secured by installing proper antivirus software like Norton Antivirus. Proper internet security applications software must be used to prevent the systems from any threats. Moreover, the email monitoring or screen capturing of emails is also practiced by some organizations but it can give rise to a large number of ethical issues like the privacy of employees. Moreover proper firewalls can also be installing to overcome this issue. All these practices are adopted by McDonalds. P10: Health and Safety Requirements of Systems: Proper measures should also be taken while implementing a system. For example, sitting long time against computers can damage the eyesight end users. So proper rays blocking screen must been used with display monitors to prevent employees from the threats of eyesight. McDonalds is doing well in this area by offering its employees a proper balance between work and home. (McDonalds Official Website, 2009) Conclusion: From the discussion above, we can see that McDonalds is a global organization and it has developed a strong computer and information technology system in its operations but there are also some defects in it. All the things we discussed above are important for having a powerful and successful computer system. For a Global Organization like McDonalds, A proper consideration and attention must be paid to I.T Section to meet global challenges.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

It is Important to have Knowledge of History Essay -- Patricia Nelson

It is Important to have Knowledge of History Though the past may bring "a revival and restoration of the misery"(Limerick 473), I believe it is necessary to know and study our past. Through this essay I shall explain how knowledge of the past helps improve the quality of future output, satisfy our human thirst for knowledge, and understand certain polices and regulations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even in our everyday life we can see how past knowledge helps to improve the future's outcome. Whether it is improvement of policies, electronics or automobiles improvement is always occurring. The computer is one such item which has come a long way. It would taking up entire rooms, run very slowly, and create tremendous amounts of heat. As improvement began they became smaller, faster and more energy efficient. Today they are very small, and run at tremendously high speeds while producing very little heat. Each improvement in the computers history could not have been made without knowledge of its predecessor's blueprints. Without this knowledge improvement would be impossible, always building the same exact computers with the same problems and never realizing it could have been built in a different way perhaps with better materials or a different more efficient computer language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the same way as knowledge of the past helps to improve computers, it also improves the quality of life for mankind. Knowledge of our past helps us to see how humans react and deal with situations. this allows us to take preventative measures. There was a time when mankind was always at war with each other. Everyone was fighting to take each others land, food, and technology. Since then the United Nations have been created to prevent such types of pointless wars and now there are police which enforce the law and a government in which power lies in the people. There have been many bad times for humans in all parts of the world throughout history. There have been big and small wars with huge death tolls, small battles, famines, depressions, slavery and countless others events which could have been prevented if we had known what the outcome would be. Just as a person learns from their mistakes, knowledge of our history helps us to learn from our mistakes giving us insight into the fut ure. Many events that have happened in our past no longer plague the world today. Slavery used to be prevalent ... ...n that long that blacks have been able to educate themselves without the obstacle of segregation or harassment, though the lack of money still remains amongst many blacks. When faced with this knowledge of the black Americans past Caucasians can come to see how opportunities they have always had and maybe taken for granted were never given to Blacks. This allows acceptance of such biased policies such as affirmative action. In the past wars would have started over such a policy, but history helps us to understand there reasons for being and allow them. Though our history may bring back horrible memories of the ?grimmest dimensions of human nature? (Limerick 472), it is necessary to have a good historical background. History gives us the ability to improve future outputs, satisfy our unending need for knowledge, and understand how many policies and regulations have come to be. Without history mankind would be very primitive and ununified. Our complete molding of the world today is almost completely dependent on the fact that we study our history. Without history present day humans would be nothing more than cavemen. Source Cited Patricia Nelson Limerick, Haunted America.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chemical Aspects of Life Paper

Chemical Aspects of life HYPOTHESIS in this section i will be discussing my thoughts of the chemical aspects of life. Explaining what my hypotheses are, for what chemicals are in which substances and what affects the reagents will have on them. Protein testing will be performed on 2 substances,egg albumin and gelatin using Biuret's solution. If biuret's solution is added to egg albumin then the egg albumin will change colors. If biuret's solution is added to gelatin then there will be only the color of the biuret's solution in there.When testing for lipids using the grease spot test three substances will be left to dry on a brown paper bag square lipids will appear in the form of a stain on the paper bag. If oil is left to dry on a paper bag then very evident stain will appear. If milk is left to dry on a paper bag then a residue will be left on top of the bag. When testing for lipids Using Sudan IV an oil and water test will be conducted, and an milk and water test will be done. If oil and water are tested using sudan IV then the oil will mix with the sudan IV. If milk and water are tested using Sudan IV then the Sudan Iv will not mix with either.When testing for carbohydrates benedict's solution will be used and Hcl will be used as an additive to alter results. If benedict's is added to glucose then the solution will change color. If benedict's solution is added to sucrose then the solution will change color. If benedict's solution is added to sucrose and Hcl there will be a more drastic color change. If benedict's solution is added to milk then there will be a slight color change. If benedict's solution is added to Hcl and milk there will be a drastic color change. If benedict's solution is added to starch then there will be a color change.If benedict's solution is added to starch and Hcl then there will be a more drastic color change. When testing for carbohydrates using iodine a porcelain spot plate will be used to better see color changes. If iodine is ad ded to a starch solution then it will change color. If iodine is added to water then the iodine will become dilute. PROCEDURE Procedure: You will be testing for the presence of the following subtances: proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. The carbohydrates will include monocaccharides (glucose), disaccharides (sucrose), and polysaccharides (starch).Protein test Background: Proteins give color reactions with certain reagents. The compounds that give rise to these colors are formed not by the whole protein molecule but by certain amino acids present in the protein. Biuret solution will be used for the test. Biuret solution is a blue solution that turns a violet color in the presence of proteins this color change occurs when the Biurets reacts with the amino groups found in the amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins. add 3ml of dilute egg albumin solution to a test tube. Add biuret's solutiong drop by drop.Stop if a violet color is obtained. Do not continue until a blue c olor occurs repeat the test with gelatin. Record your results. Lipid test Background: Lipids are insoluble in water but are soluble in fat solvents such as ether, acetone, and carbon tetrachloride. The simplest lipids are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Lipids will remain on a brown paper bag after the water in the solution has evaporated, this will make the bag somewhat transparent. Secondly, a dye test will be done. In this test, dark red sudan IV will be used.Sudan IV is not soluble in water, but is soluble in lipids. You will be observing the distribution of dye in this test. Procedure: with a medicine dropper, add a drop of salad oil to the corner of a brown paper bag. To the opposite corner, add a drop of water. To one more corner, add a drop of milk. Let the fluids evaporate and then examine each spot by holding the paper to the light look for areas of transperency. Record your results Procedure: Add 3ml of water to a test tube. Add 1ml of oil to the same test tube. DO NOT SHAKE. Now add 2 drops of sudan IV. AGAIN, DO NOT SHAKE.Observe the distribution of the dye with respect to the water and oil. Record your results. Repeat this test using milk instead of oil. Record your results. CARBOHYDRATE TESTS: Background: sugar starch and cellulose are common examples of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are made up of the base elements c, h, and o in a 1:2:1 ratio. The simplest carbohydrates are monosaccharides (simple sugars such as glucose). Monosaccharides have just one carbon ring and are the building blocks of larger sugar molecules. Disaccharides, like sucrose, have two carbon rings. They are formed when two monosaccharides join together.Examples include: Maltose (glucose + glucose); Lactose (glucose + galactose); and sucrose (glucose + fructose). Polysaccharides have three or more carbon rings. Starch is an example of a polysaccharide. Procedure: put 3ml of benedict's solution in a test tube. Add 2ml of 5% glucose solution. Carefully place the tube i n a boiling water bath for 2 minutes. Remove the tube amd allow it to cool. Record the color reoeat the test with 3ml of benedict's solution and 2ml of 5% sucrose solution. Again, place the tube in the boiling water bath for 2 minutes, remove and cool.Record the color put 2ml of the 5% sucrose solution to a test tube. This time add several drops of hydrochloric acid. Place the tube in the boiling water bath for 2 minutes. Remove and immediately add 3ml of benedict's solution return it to the water bath for an addition 2 minutes. Remove and record the color put 3ml of benedict's solution in a test tube. Add 2ml of milk. Again, place this into the boiling water bath for 2 minutes, remove and cool. Record the color. Again put 2ml of milk to a test tube. This time add several drops of hydrochloric acid.Place the tube in the boiling water bath for 2 minutes. Remove and immediately add 3ml of benedict's solution. Return it to the water bath for an additional 2 minutes. Remove and record t he color. Put 3ml of benedicts solution in a test tube. Add 2ml of starch solution. Place the tube once again into the boiling water bath for 2 minutes, remove and cool. Record the color. Again, put 2ml of starch into a test tube. This time add several drops of hydrochloric acid. Place the tube in the boiling water bath for 2 minutes. Remove and immediately add 3ml of benedicts solution return it to the water bath for an additional 2 minutes.Remove and record the color. Starch test: if a poly saccharide such as starch is present in a solution and iodine is added, the iodine ion will lodge itself in the polysaccharide chain and give it black-blue color. If iodine is added to a solution turn black-blue then starch is present. If the solution remains the color of iodine, reddish-orange, there is no starch present. Procedure: place a few drops of the starch solution into one well of a porcelain spot plate. Place a few drops of water into another well of the same plate. Add several drops of the iodine solution to both wells.Record the color of each. DATA When testing protein, the egg albumin solution turned dark violet when biuret solution was added, biuret's solution was concentrated at the bottom. When testing gelatin for protein biuret's solution turned the solution dark violet, with biuret's solution concentrated at the bottom, and faded to completely clear. 5 drops and 4 drops were added to each test respectively. When performing the lipid test, a drop of oil left a large dark stain, water didn't not leave a stain yet it left the paper warped, and milk left a faint stain and a glossy residue on top.When testing for lipids with sudan IV the oil stayed on top of the water and the sudan IV distributed evenly throughout the oil. When milk was tested, water mixed evenly with the milk, but the sudan IV only mixed into the very top portion of the mixture. When testing carbohydrates the 5% glucose solution changed to a cloudy red color. The 5% sucrose solution did not change color at all, and the sucrose Hcl changed to a greenish brown color. When milk was tested the solution changed to a yellow green color, it also looked chunky. When milk and hcl was tested it changed to a cloudy blue with chunks of white on top. he starch solution did not change color when the benedict's solution was added, and Hcl did not alter the results in the next test. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS throughout the chemical aspects of life lab i have learned a variety of things including testing methods, what reagents are, and some general information about HCL and the contents of various substances. When testing proteins i have discovered the both egg albumin and gelatin both contain protein. During testing for lipids, i've learned that milk contains lipids, although a faint amount there are some present. Oil and Milk both contain lipids. Oil as expected, and milk as expected.When testing For lipids using Sudan IV the oil sat ontop of the water and the sudan IV only mixed wit h it, but surprises came in the next test when water and milk mixed evenly, but Sudan IV only stayed to the top portion of the mixture. Testing for reducing sugars has led me to believe the HCL breaks down sugars to a simpler form, as it altered results for sucrose and milk. Glucose was already a reducing sugar as i found out after testing and sucrose was not, but after adding HCL to sucrose, the results dramatically changed so much so as from going to light blue in the first test to greenish brown in the second sucrose test.Milk seemed to have traces of reducing sugars but results were unclear, so HCL was added and the solution went from chunky yellow in the first milk test, to a chunky cloudy blue in the second test. Starch was found without any reducing sugars, if HCL was present or not. The solution was opaque blue because of benedict's solution. While testing carbohydrates with test tubes and fancy heating and a bunch of chemicals is fun and all, it can just as simply be done w ith iodine using a porcelain spot plate.Iodine turns a dark color when in the presence of carbohydrates such as it did when in a starch solution and it was good old diluted brown-orange in water. MATERIALS Dilute egg albumin solution gelatin distilled water whole milk oil 5% sucrose 5% glucose starch solution glass stirrers biuret solution sudan IV benedict's solution hydrochloric acid iodine pan of soapy water test tube clamps test tube brushes paper towels test tubes medicine droppers porcelain spot plate safety goggles test tube racks graduated cylnders beakers hot plate brown paper bag squares

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Who Dies Next essays

Who Dies Next essays Every year thousands of youth die, not from cancer or car accidents but by their own hand. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that 500,000 youth try to kill themselves every year and over 5,000 succeed. Since 1970 teen suicide has increased 300 percent for ages 15 through 19 and 180 percent for ages 10 through 14. In one recent survey of high school students, 60 percent said they had thought about killing themselves. That is three out of every five students. 44 percent of the youth who attempt suicide overdose on some sort of drug. Where are these teenagers getting these drugs? 38 percent use fire arms. Where are they getting these guns? The 18 percent left chose Why has the youth suicide rate taken such a dramatic jump in recent years? There are several reasons of what might have caused this suicide increase, but almost every reason has to do with the lack of parental interest. Cindy Young, a local licensed professional counselor, states that over half of her youth clients that are suicidal have parents that spend no time with them. The average parent does not spent sufficient quality time with their children. Now it is more often for both mother and father to work full time, from that one factor parents deprive their children of the time they need. Another reason parents do not spend as much quality time with their children is because parents have their own interests. It may be watching television, reading, talking on the phone, working on the computer, new family members, such as a new child or spouse. Children seem to take the back burner a generous amount of the time. Another reason for the suicide increase is because many children do not meet up to their parents expectations, so in response parents put their children down, tell them they are worthless, punish them, call them names, and physically abusing them. Bec ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Florida Shrimp Industry Analysis Essay Essay Example

Florida Shrimp Industry Analysis Essay Essay Example Florida Shrimp Industry Analysis Essay Essay Florida Shrimp Industry Analysis Essay Essay What if it were logical and profitable to unify two of the fastest turning shrimp industries in the United States today? That is precisely the thought behind â€Å"bait runt production† . the latest development in the combined development of the valuable unrecorded come-on runt industry and the continual growing sphere of aquaculture. Farm-raised come-on runt is a really appropriate combination of the two concerns ; both have a historical development in Florida for over 40 old ages. Florida has been proclaimed the â€Å"Fishing Capital of the World† with its 1. 197 codified stat mis of coastline hosting 3. 4 million anglers yearly. The statistics sing the recreational fishing industry in Florida are amazing. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ( FWC ) studies: The economic value of recreational fishing to Florida is $ 7. 0 billion and supports 75. 000 occupations. Recreational fishing is the 2nd largest athleticss industry in Florida with over 700 world-record fish caught. Live come-on runt is the karyon around which evolves Florida’s seawater athletics and recreational fishing. It is the preferable come-on for angling near shore species such as snook. sea trout. redfish. center. Rachycentron canadum and mackerel. The concern of catching and providing unrecorded come-on runt began with a few persons providing themselves. and a few come-on stores in the 1950’s to going a multi-million dollar industry with exports throughout the Southeast United States. This growing is a testimony to the pre-eminence of runt as the most popular unrecorded come-on among saltwater anglers in Southeast United States. : The message is clear - the recreational/sport fishing industry and unrecorded come-on runt are good established in Florida. And their popularity is turning amongst the14 million people ( 75 % life within 10 stat mis of the seashore ) and the 40 million tourers who visit each twelvemonth. Commercial fishermen presently providing 100 % of the come-on runt market experiences regulative limitations. seasonal diminutions in wild stocks. and undependable labour doing unpredictable deficits and as such are unable to run into the addition in the market demands. The FWC and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer service studies: As the tourer and recreational fishing industry continues to increase in Florida so will the come-on runt concern. Fishermen love to utilize unrecorded come-on runt and retail merchants are ever running out of come-on before they run out of clients. The retail merchant wants consistent bringings of come-on runt in Numberss that will maintain the clients walking through the door of their store Although the fishing attempt has increased 50 % over the past 10 old ages. the unrecorded come-on reapers can non run into the market demands. This addition in demand without an addition in supplies has resulted in an highly high dollar value of unrecorded come-on. This addition in demand. low supply and high dollar value has attracted the attending of shrimp manufacturers. Now for the other half of the combination - runt aquaculture. As the demand for unrecorded come-on runt has expanded without an addition in supplies. the inevitable has begun to take topographic point - culturing Florida’s endemic penaeids for come-on size runt utilizing hatchery and production engineerings developed for other economically of import penaeids. Sweeping distributers can non acquire equal supply of come-on runt certain times ; retail merchants are forced to accept inaccurate counts and variable sizes of wild come-on. which they will free about 30 % in mortalities during the class of the twenty-four hours. Retailers can non systematically supply the client with the coveted size and frequently sell â€Å"mixes† . Fishermans are reliant on the seasonal migration. sheding periods and life rhythms of the natural population ; as such they can non vouch quality or volume. Shrimp spawn in April/May let go ofing eggs that move with the tides and currents into estuaries. where they spend their postlarval and juvenile phases before migrating back to deeper Waterss. Bait size runt are virtually impossible to reap in June. July. and August due to this natural life rhythm ; and are in short supply September through December. It is the winter months January through April that providers. jobbers and retail merchants can see marketable size come-on runt. However. even during this clip period. harvest home of little animate beings causes immediate emphasis and keeping them in â€Å"live† draw armored combat vehicles for long distance bringings consequences in high mortalities. Enter the growing industry. Aquaculture. dedicated to supplying consumers what they need – healthy. quality seafood and aquatic merchandises at market monetary values. The inability of the fishermen to supply twelvemonth round unrecorded come-on runt. there is a important spread supplies. From this deficiency of merchandise will turn the combination of unrecorded come-on runt and aquaculture- Live Bait. Inc. Live Bait. Inc. will bring forth come-on runt is at high densenesss in enclosed installations equipped with multi-phase. recirculating systems. Bait size runt will be cultured to three variable sizes. ( 8. 10. and 12 gms ) to supply the retail merchant with coveted â€Å"mixes† . Bait runt production installations. unlike shrimp boats. can be located through out Florida in high value countries that support a big volume of recreational fishing and touristry. Live Bait. Inc. will concentrate on supplying bing market channels with high quality come-on at market monetary values. in a consistent and dependable mode through out the twelvemonth. The first come-on runt production installation is said to hold been an outgrowth of a Texas A A ; M undertaking developing production systems for Gulf of Mexico endemic runt. The species of pick for this country are brown shrimp ( F. aztecus ) and it is believed that the company. although little graduated table. Lone Star Fishery. is sing continued success. There is a enormous involvement amongst fishermen and sweeping traders in developing civilization systems for come-on runt. However. once they realize the capital investing and hazard involved. they become interested in purchasing from Live Bait. Inc. The market for unrecorded come-on runt is go oning to turn. particularly during the summer when local occupants and tourers target onshore species. This year-around demand. undependable supplies and high dollar value ensures a continued market for this trade good. Industry Participants There are several groups of industry participants. which must come together in order for Live Bait. Inc. to work good. 1. Sweeping Dealers. Everything Begins and ends with this client. Sweeping distributers have established selling channels and will be purchasing straight from the production centres. Each production centre must first place the base of the jobber from which the high volume. high value concern will be drawn. Their attitudes. demands and abilities must be the generation of each determination in planing the size and location of production installations. 2. The Nuclear Breeding Center. For long-run sustainable production and the Florida Department of Aquaculture’s support and countenances ; it is imperative that a genteelness plan for F. duorarum be established from the beginning. Experience has proven the necessity of SPF stocks in minimising the incidents of diseases and carnal emphasis from high denseness. mass production. 3. . For Live Bait. Inc to bring forth. cost-efficient. quality come-on shrimp it needs outstanding seedstock. Large Numberss of seedstock at low-cost monetary values will needed. on a hebdomadal footing in order to keep the consecutive stocking required by multi-phase systems. 4. Management/Production Team. This is the triangulation point where it all comes together. The squad must place the best locations ; plan the most cost effectual installations and production systems. produce shrimp utilizing state-of-the-science engineerings to supply high quality bait runt available for day-to-day pickup. Who are the persons or groups that are likely clients of farm raised unrecorded come-on runt? Fortunately. there are some selling studies that have been conducted Florida province bureaus. the US Department of Commerce and Mariculture. Inc. that can supply some replies even in this new construct. The mark market for Live Bait. Inc. is the sweeping dealer/distributor. who presently is supplied 100 % by the come-on runt piscary. Presently. sweeping traders either purchase dockside from shrimpers and/or they use their ain boats. As such they are located within close propinquities of come-on shrimping boats and non needfully in the high value tourer countries. Each GLB’s locations will develop its installation. production Numberss. sizes and services around the mark audience –wholesalers. GLB will aim several distinguishable groups: 1. Jobbers. which fit the basic demographic features of providing retail merchants from great distances. These will be jobbers who either purchase dockside from shrimpers and/or they use their ain boats. As such they are located within close propinquities of come-on shrimping boats. which are in five major parts: Hernando ( Citrus. Hernando. Pasco. Pinellas and Manatee ) with 47 % of entire come-on runt landings ; Pine Island ( Lee County ) with 33 % of entire come-on runt landings. Biscayne Bay ( Dade and Monroe Counties ) with 18 % of entire come-on runt landings and Jacksonville ( Fernandina Beach ) with 2 % entire come-on runt landings. Jobbers will truck unrecorded come-on shrimp 220 stat mis from Homosassa to Naples or from Miami. which is 107 stat mis. Jobbers from these parts providing the North-central East Coast. the Keys and Panhandle will be targeted. 2. Jobbers who supply retail merchants covering in big volumes. For illustration marinas that sell 275. 000 – 300. 000 or more bait per twenty-four hours during the winter months and 65. 000 – 80. 000 per twenty-four hours during the summer months. Volume in these countries badly restricted due short supplies and distance from providers. Retailers claim they could sell up to 300 % more. if the supply were available. Jobbers providing big marinas. high-end fishing wharfs located in metropolitan countries. and retail bait/tackle shops that promote popular athletics fishing tourneies will be targeted. 3. Jobbers who supply high dollar come-on to retail merchants located in countries support high value recreational/sport fishing and touristry. Sweeping monetary values for unrecorded come-on vary well with location. For illustration monetary values in Pine Island will run $ 30/1. 000 runt while in Marco Island and Naples. which is merely south of Pine Island. will hold monetary values up to $ 70/1. 000. Jobbers who supply retail merchants who are willing to pay the higher market monetary value will be targeted. 4. Jobbers who are receptive of farm-raised come-on and will advance the merchandise among retail merchants. Presently. an overpowering bulk of retail merchants accept the thought of farm-raised come-on. Most are willing to pay between 50-100 % above current monetary values for farm raised come-on every bit long as the supply is consistent and dependable. Jobbers who are willing to advance our merchandise. wage premium monetary values for premium farm raised come-on runt will be targeted. 5. Jobbers who are either presently exporting to neighbouring provinces. or who would wish to export to other provinces. Florida Bait runt jobbers export unrecorded come-on nine months out of the twelvemonth to different adjacent provinces. Presently they supply 60 % of the Alabama Market. 20 % of the South Carolina and 50 % of the Georgia market. Jobbers exporting to other provinces will be targeted. 6. Bait Brokers covering in frozen come-on are presently importing little frozen runt that are badly damaged from outside the United States. The shrimp alien species. which may or may non be infected with viral diseases. These agents presently can non run into the demands of their big contracts such as those with Wal-Mart and Publix. Process them. as most of the agents besides have treating workss. 7. Jobbers who are providing retail merchants whose clients would prefer farm raised come-on over wild come-on for ecological and environmental grounds. These six primary mark groups provide fertile land for GLB to go a profitable operation within the first twelvemonth of production. In fact. GLB will go the top manufacturer of farm-raised come-on for Florida and the full sou-east coastal corridors. Live Bait. Inc. production centres will be established in cardinal locations through out Florida. The marinas. retail come-on stores. come-on and tackle stores within a thirty-mile radius will fit the demographic mark profile – high volume. high market monetary value. pro-farm raised come-on. easy buttocks to interstate main roads and are being supplied by jobbers from great distances. A selling study conducted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service’s. Bureau of Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing has documented one-year landings ( crops ) . volumes of come-on sold by retail merchants. wholesale/retail monetary values. peak seasonal demands and months of supply deficits. Major reaping countries are divided Hernando Regions ( Citrus. Hernando. Pasco. Pinellas and Manatee ) with 47 % of entire come-on runt landings ; Pine Island ( Lee County ) with 33 % of entire come-on runt landings. Biscayne Bay ( Dade and Monroe Counties ) with 18 % of entire come-on runt landings and Jacksonville ( Fernandina Beach ) with 2 % entire come-on runt landings. Annual Landings study to Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission by accredited come-on shrimpers in 2000 was 2. 46 million lbs ( 246 million come-on size runt utilizing a 100/1b count ) . This is 50 % above the reported landings for 1991 of 1. 23 million lbs 123 million come-on size runt utilizing a 100/lb count ) . Fishery directors feel the crop Numberss are under-reported on trip tickets. And since unrecorded come-on runt is a hard currency industry gross revenues are non accurately reported. Besides non all shrimp caught as unrecorded come-on is sold as unrecorded come-on. there are high mortality rates associated with harvest home. keeping and transporting. Larger runt will frequently be culled and sold as nutrient. It is likely that the farm production needed to provide current markets will hold to be 50 % above reported landings to about 3. 69 million lbs ( 369 million come-on size runt utilizing a 100/lb count ) .

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Christmas Memory and Money Essays

A Christmas Memory and Money Essays A Christmas Memory and Money Essay A Christmas Memory and Money Essay Essay Topic: A Christmas Carol Money can buy a lot of things but it cannot buy good health, respect, love, inner peace etc as these only come from good principles. A person can have million in his bank account but still feel poor because he is not content with his life, more money gives him only minimal satisfaction. Security come from within from knowing that what you have is enough for you to be happy, it comes from believing in your self. All of us tend to think that happiness comes from outside i. . through money. A short story that supports this notion is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote it is the tory of a child who does not get anything for Christmas except handed down and worn out except for a kite but he is still satisfied and goes out to fly it. In another instance was when the family was offered money for a new Christmas tree but they refused it believing that their old tree was more precious and nothing could replace it. Both these examples reflect the importance of contentment and satisfaction over money. First and foremost, money is a medium of exchange. You use it to buy things. No one can live without money. We need to buy food and many basic necessities of life which are impossible to be bought without money. A rich man is seen in the society with respect and people around carry an honorable position for that man whereas a poor person is seen by people with the eyes of hatred and they do not poses a good impression. Mostly all of us try to be as rich as others and compete in this modern age, but only a few people are able to fulfill their dreams about being a millionaire, The importance of money becomes very clear when a person has no money, Money for a poor person is everything, it becomes very important for him to earn so that he can fulfill his basic needs. However, recently everyone has become consumption oriented. We want to buy anything that is new on the market and catches our interest and we are falling prey to the attractive packaging and advertisiments of a product. Thus we buy things that we have little need for which in turn makes us want more money. Money enables us to afford a better quality of life; more money means bigger and better houses and cars, better quality products, better entertainment etc. Another advantage is less stress in paying bills and other household expenses. Money may also allow a person to persue his dreams, for example a person who wants to attain higher education may not be able to without money. Literature also supports this in many places, one such example is where Charles Dickens in another Novel A Christmas Carol'[2] shows how love is pushed aside for money. This happens when young Ebenzer Scrooge had made a promise to a girl Belle to provide for her, however Belle chooses a crooked businessman Jacob as he offers her a quick gain of fortune to the girl. A number of quotations from the book the great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald[3] also highlight the importance of money. One such quote mentioned the effect that money has on Gatsby when he is unable to even speak in front of Daisy Buchnan as he gets intimidated by her wealth. This shows how wealth encompasses every aspect of our lives, so much so that it even reflects in the voice and mannerisms of a person. Another description from the same book is about a character Tom whose wealth has given him a lot of power. It allows him to treat others how ever he likes and his elitist nature also makes him power. Money may be a motivator it influences human activity from geological exploration to politics. Money itself may not be evil, it is the greed for money that becomes the root of evil. Despite popular arguments I believe that money does not make the world go around. we have created the monster and allowed it to take over and control our lives. 4]Even though money does have some importance in our lives as every aspect of our lives revolves around money, but if we tried to be content with less we may not face such dependency. The variety of products that we are faced with makes it very difficult for us to be content with what we have. We have made money so central to our lives that we place it above life and even happiness. This never ending pursuit of money has made the society a selfish one . People forget that there are many things that money cant buy. A Chinese proverb summarizes this argument very well by saying that money can buy a house but it cannot make a home, that it can not buy time, sleep knowledge, health, respect and a good life only the material aspects can be bought but not ones that come from within. Stephen R. Covey in his book seven habits of highly effective people also mentions that some of us tend to be centered around money and so our sense of security and happiness is directly related to how much money we have and since its human nature to never be satisfied with what one has he is likely to remain unhappy most of the time. Even a huge increase in wealth is unlikely to satisfy such a person. For this purpose we need to alter our centres to what we really want at the end of our lives. Money can buy a lot of things but it cannot buy good health, respect, love, inner peace etc as these only come from good principles. A person can have million in his bank account but still feel poor because he is not content with his life, more money gives him only minimal satisfaction. Security come from within from knowing that what you have is enough for you to be happy, it comes from believing in your self. All of us tend to think that happiness comes from outside i. e. through money. A short story that supports this notion is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote it is the story of a child who does not get anything for Christmas except handed down and worn out except for a kite but he is still satisfied and goes out to fly it. In another instance was when the family was offered money for a new Christmas tree but they refused it believing that their old tree was more precious and nothing could replace it. Both these examples reflect the importance of contentment and satisfaction over money.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Consumer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Consumer behaviour - Essay Example Moreover, these traits mostly represent the processes used when consumers are considering physical products for purchase. Most tourists make travel decisions based on the influence of their friends or family members, or due to the emotional appeal of tourist destinations. It is important to understand that tourists usually undertake varied decision making processes when they choose to go on holiday. A good example of this is the scenario where people who were not meaning to go on a visit any where suddenly make a last minute decision to accompany friends or family members to exotic lands. According to (Solomon, Bamossy, Askegarrd, and Hogg 2009) in modern times, there are tourist behaviours such ‘‘last-minute’’ decisions to travel show that traditional decision-making methods are becoming irrelevant. There are even more factors that travellers decide to use in determining the choices of tourist destinations that they decide on. For instance, it would appear that for some travellers, the choice of where or when to travel is an ongoing process which may be changed even after a decision has been made on the preferred destination. In addition, more and more travellers are allowing their decisions to be influenced by nostalgia, travel party, and date. Travellers today are also more ready to expose themselves to surprises as they feel that this is the only way in which they will authentically be able to experience any destination. According to Alain Decrop, there are travelers who choose travel destinations even without conducting any research on the culture of the places they are going to visit in order to experience the chosen destinations in a more unbiased manner (Decrop 2005). In such cases, what is unexpected adds to the excitement of the first time experiences of the tourists. Planning for a holiday will remove the excitement of first landing in a foreign land and thus destroy the whole purpose of travelling in the first place. 2. Com pare the information search process, as it is described in the case, with the search process that consumers might follow for one other product category (e.g. a household appliance or a perfume). When making purchase decisions, consumers may take into consideration a lot of information; particularly when deciding on a product brand such as a car or a sofa set. This differs from the decision making processes used by tourists when picking vacation destinations. Many consumers do not pick household appliances on a whim; or decide to order for these products from a store while leaving the decision on colour or texture to the seller so as to experience the element of surprise. For the most part, household goods and other such products are chosen after consumers embark on sequential decision processes in which various options are considered in a systematic method until the customer arrives at his or her last remaining choice. Following this evaluation process, the customers will choose the product they wish to purchase. Moreover, there are other ways in which purchasing decisions made during the procurement of products are somewhat similar to those used when travellers are picking on vacation spots. This is because a consumer can change his or her mind and pick on a competitor’s merchandise instead; or cancel the acquisition altogether. This could be spurred by impolite staff in the place of transaction, a long queue, or even a complicated

Friday, October 18, 2019

Supply and Demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Supply and Demand - Essay Example As such, if the price change leads to an equal change in commodity demanded then that results to a uni elastic demand (Ferguson, 1972) Elastic demand refers to the demand for which the price elasticity is greater than 1. As such, if the demand elasticity is greater than 1 it means that the percent change in quantity is much higher than the percent change in price. Unit elastic demand occurs if the quantity demanded is directly proportional to the price change meaning the coefficient of elasticity is equal to 1. While inelastic demand, occurs when elasticity coefficient is less than 1. This implies that the percentage change in the amount of quantity is less than the price change. Cross price elasticity of demand is the rate of change the quantity required due to the price change of the other commodity (Gillespie, 2007). As such, when two good are substitutes, consumers tend to purchase more of one good due to increase in the other substitute. Similarly, for complementary commodities, price increase in a commodity causes a reduced demand for all goods. Moreover, cross elasticity of demand points out the sensitivity of a particular commodity to price change. For a normal good, increase in income results in an increase in the demand. This is seen as the coefficient of elasticity of N>0 (Ferguson, 1972).For an inferior, an increase in price leads to a decrease in demand. In this case, the coefficient of elasticity is N1. Notably, a superior good exhibits the same coefficient of elasticity similar to normal good. Demand

Contemporary Brand Management report on (Rolex the luxury watches Essay

Contemporary Brand Management report on (Rolex the luxury watches brand) - Essay Example There have been diverse literatures that validate the success or demise of products and services due to ineffective strategies employed on the sophisticated elements needed for branding. At the same time there are organisations that have attained exemplary leadership and high quality corporate image through an interplay of crucial branding factors that promoted the products into a legendary platform status that survived tests of time. The objective of the management report is to evaluate the significant components and strategies used by Rolex, luxury watches in their Branding. The report will be structured in sections that would initially determine the significant theoretical frameworks for branding and a provision for background information for Rolex. Crucial data that affects to the brand’s target market, major competitors, and strategies will be discussed. Brand position, analysis, advertising, and management recommendations will subsequently follow by providing brief conce ptual backgrounds of each topic prior to investigating into respective applications of the concepts on the brand, Rolex. The brand management recommendation section will suggest an innovative idea that is perceived to increase brand awareness and consumer image with justifiable support from theories on branding. Section 1. The Brand Kotler (1980, p.366), defined a brand as â€Å"a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of these that identifies the makers or seller of the product or services and to differentiate them from those of competitors†. McCarthy (1975) has used the exact same parallel definition with a disparity in the word ‘differentiate’ to ‘distinguish’ (p. 255) as a crucial element for branding. These theories however fail to capture the complexity and depth that branding involves. Brands are considered a significant part of decisions involving product development that organisations exert strategic efforts to creatively and inno vatively design the brand to identify the product and to differentiate them from others (McCarthy, 1975). It is differentiated from the company in terms of the identification it provides to the product, distinct from its manufacturer or producer. A company, as the manufacturer could be a producer of different products that require different brands to separate one from the other. One of the eminent functions of brands is to enable organisations to project a good image of prime quality for their products and therefore encourage clientele to make repeated purposes with convenience. There have been exemplary brands in contemporary markets that have continued to gain respect, loyalty and trust of the clients through time. For example as reported by Business Week the brands that belong to the best global brands is Rolex with a rank of 72 out of 100 and a value of $4,237 million (Business Week, 2006). According to the report, â€Å"Rolex remains the ultimate luxury brand worldwide, and wi th strong sales in China, its appeal continues to spread† (Business Week, 2006, par. 4). 1.1 Historical Background of Rolex The official website of Rolex traced its legendary success from the creative entrepreneurial talent of its founder, Hans Wilsdorf (Rolex: The Origins, n.d, par. 1). With ideas that started from the desire to make watches more precise with self-winding options and more professionalised to be used in diverse activities and

How to get rid of your babysitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to get rid of your babysitter - Essay Example Most parents are usually at the dilemma on how to handle situations in which they need to send away their babysitter as they may not know how to go about it without hurting their feelings. Getting rid of the babysitter should be conducted in a manner that the babysitter will not feel offended or they are being sent away without any proper reason. This is because babysitters play very vital roles in the homes and parents with small children cannot do without them hence the need to take proper care of them. The decision to get rid of you babysitter may be motivated by a number of reasons. Such include those failing to perform their duties as already instructed, mismanagement of resources in the house, being extremely demanding by asking for more pay, mistreating the children, lack of professionalism in their conduct, being rude and lacking courtesy among other reasons. In order to get rid of your babysitter, you need to come up with proper and convincing reason for wanting to send them away. Take time to observe their conduct in the house so as to establish if the mistakes being committed by the babysitters are deliberate or they are beyond their control. Upon establishing that the mistakes are repetitive in nature and are due to negligence, record the number of times in which they have been done. The next step is to boldly communicate the reasons to them so that they will also see their mistakes. If the babysitter is from an official agency service, you need to communicate the same information to the agency so that they can be in agreement with the termination of the contract. The final step is to agree with the babysitter on the time of their departure as well as the things that they may need before they depart. These include provision of all the things owed to them as well as some of the things that they may request to go with before they go. Then the babysitter is escorted to the place where she was found so that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stress - Essay Example It depends on the ability of the persons involved to be able to cope with the demands, effectively and efficiently. Looking at the definition of the stress, we can see that there are three major approaches that may be used to manage the stress; action oriented approach, emotionally-oriented approach and acceptance-oriented approach. In action-oriented approach to manage stress, we seek to confront the problem which was causing the stress. This is done by changing the environment or the situation. To be able to take an action-oriented approach, we must have some power or control, in the situation. If we possess that power, then action-oriented approaches are some of the most satisfying and rewarding ways of managing stress. Through these techniques, we can manage and overcome stressful situations, by changing them to our advantage. In emotionally-oriented approach for stress management, we do not have the power to change the situation, but we can manage stress by changing our interpretation of the situation and the way we feel about it. If we do not have the power to change a situation, then we may be able to reduce stress by changing the way we look at it, using an emotionally-oriented approach. Emotionally-oriented approaches are often less attractive than action-oriented approaches. The stresses can recur. However, these approaches of stress management are still effective and useful. The third approach is acceptance-oriented, where it is assumed that something has happened over which we have no power and no emotional control, and where our focus is on surviving the stress. Sometimes, we have so little power in a situation that all we can do to survive it. In these situations, often the first stage of coping with the stress is to accept one’s lack of power. These different approaches to stress management address the problem for solution in different ways: the action-oriented techniques help us to manage the demands upon us and increase the resources

Juvenile Probation system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Juvenile Probation system - Essay Example Probation system is the means through which the juvenile court system ensures its purpose is achieved. The juvenile court guides juveniles considered to be a status offender or delinquent. The system works through probation officers who inform the juvenile court of appropriate steps to take (Torbet, 1996; Whitehead & Lab, 2012). The judge makes a decision on what conditions to include in the probation based on information provided by the probation officer. Probation may be used in three ways: It can be adjudication to a first time low risk offender, in which case it is used at the front end. It can be used in placement of a formal settlement if a youth agrees to comply with a period of informal probation, and it can be used at the back end of the system where it serves as a replacement to institutional confinement for more serious offenders (Torbet, 1996). Juvenile Probation System Creation The juvenile probation system is an evolution of the court and juvenile justice system, as a m eans of differentiating the adult criminals from the young lawbreakers. It was found that the institutions meant correct behaviors or confine criminals, were too harsh for the young ones; hence the change, and development of a new system. The idea came from common practice such as the use of placement societies, where delinquent and poor children would be taken to live with farm families, or serve apprenticeships instead of prisons. Keeping delinquent children out of jail and the idea of probation was however, obtained from John Augustus; a shoemaker from Boston. In the 1840s, he would bail adults and delinquent children out of jail, promising the judges that he would supervise their conduct, and ensure they go to school for the case of young people, and given honest employment for the case of adults. By 1859, Augustus had provided bail for 1900 adults and juveniles. He had made an impact in the justice system, and this was recognized as an important method of dealing with delinquen t young people and criminals. This has evolved over time with the current system having probation officers collecting data about the delinquent young people, and assisting the judge in informed decision making about the juveniles’ cases. It has also been established that communities need to be more involved in order to develop a preventive approach to juvenile crime (Livers, 2013). Standards and Goals Just like in prisons, jails and other correction facilities, American Correctional Association and other relevant organizations have established certain standards for juvenile probation and parole. These act as guidelines for best practices. These standards however, have not been adopted universally because probation services can be provided through various ways, and still meet the needs for rehabilitation and safety, and observe the legal rights of minors. According the standards, before placing a juvenile under probation, a needs assessment is necessary, accompanied by a servi ce plan. The standards further recommend that the needs assessment be done by a probation officer, with the help juvenile and his or her family members. The following areas of need should be assessed: proximity of the correctional program to the youth, medical problems, availability of placements, and the capacity of the youth to benefit from the program. There should also be availability of supplemental services that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to get rid of your babysitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to get rid of your babysitter - Essay Example Most parents are usually at the dilemma on how to handle situations in which they need to send away their babysitter as they may not know how to go about it without hurting their feelings. Getting rid of the babysitter should be conducted in a manner that the babysitter will not feel offended or they are being sent away without any proper reason. This is because babysitters play very vital roles in the homes and parents with small children cannot do without them hence the need to take proper care of them. The decision to get rid of you babysitter may be motivated by a number of reasons. Such include those failing to perform their duties as already instructed, mismanagement of resources in the house, being extremely demanding by asking for more pay, mistreating the children, lack of professionalism in their conduct, being rude and lacking courtesy among other reasons. In order to get rid of your babysitter, you need to come up with proper and convincing reason for wanting to send them away. Take time to observe their conduct in the house so as to establish if the mistakes being committed by the babysitters are deliberate or they are beyond their control. Upon establishing that the mistakes are repetitive in nature and are due to negligence, record the number of times in which they have been done. The next step is to boldly communicate the reasons to them so that they will also see their mistakes. If the babysitter is from an official agency service, you need to communicate the same information to the agency so that they can be in agreement with the termination of the contract. The final step is to agree with the babysitter on the time of their departure as well as the things that they may need before they depart. These include provision of all the things owed to them as well as some of the things that they may request to go with before they go. Then the babysitter is escorted to the place where she was found so that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Juvenile Probation system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Juvenile Probation system - Essay Example Probation system is the means through which the juvenile court system ensures its purpose is achieved. The juvenile court guides juveniles considered to be a status offender or delinquent. The system works through probation officers who inform the juvenile court of appropriate steps to take (Torbet, 1996; Whitehead & Lab, 2012). The judge makes a decision on what conditions to include in the probation based on information provided by the probation officer. Probation may be used in three ways: It can be adjudication to a first time low risk offender, in which case it is used at the front end. It can be used in placement of a formal settlement if a youth agrees to comply with a period of informal probation, and it can be used at the back end of the system where it serves as a replacement to institutional confinement for more serious offenders (Torbet, 1996). Juvenile Probation System Creation The juvenile probation system is an evolution of the court and juvenile justice system, as a m eans of differentiating the adult criminals from the young lawbreakers. It was found that the institutions meant correct behaviors or confine criminals, were too harsh for the young ones; hence the change, and development of a new system. The idea came from common practice such as the use of placement societies, where delinquent and poor children would be taken to live with farm families, or serve apprenticeships instead of prisons. Keeping delinquent children out of jail and the idea of probation was however, obtained from John Augustus; a shoemaker from Boston. In the 1840s, he would bail adults and delinquent children out of jail, promising the judges that he would supervise their conduct, and ensure they go to school for the case of young people, and given honest employment for the case of adults. By 1859, Augustus had provided bail for 1900 adults and juveniles. He had made an impact in the justice system, and this was recognized as an important method of dealing with delinquen t young people and criminals. This has evolved over time with the current system having probation officers collecting data about the delinquent young people, and assisting the judge in informed decision making about the juveniles’ cases. It has also been established that communities need to be more involved in order to develop a preventive approach to juvenile crime (Livers, 2013). Standards and Goals Just like in prisons, jails and other correction facilities, American Correctional Association and other relevant organizations have established certain standards for juvenile probation and parole. These act as guidelines for best practices. These standards however, have not been adopted universally because probation services can be provided through various ways, and still meet the needs for rehabilitation and safety, and observe the legal rights of minors. According the standards, before placing a juvenile under probation, a needs assessment is necessary, accompanied by a servi ce plan. The standards further recommend that the needs assessment be done by a probation officer, with the help juvenile and his or her family members. The following areas of need should be assessed: proximity of the correctional program to the youth, medical problems, availability of placements, and the capacity of the youth to benefit from the program. There should also be availability of supplemental services that

My Goals Essay Example for Free

My Goals Essay â€Å"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes; you can go in any direction you choose, you’re on your own, and you know what you know, and you are the one who will decide where to go. † Dr. Seuss gives me hope within myself. This quote has gotten me through so many problems of mine to the point where I know it by heart. This makes me think of all the possibilities there are out there in the world. This helps me create my own goals to reach for instead of other peoples. The short term, five year, and ten year goals help me stride for success so I can complete those goals. They keep me going in the direction I choose which decides where I’ll go with my life. Within my short term goals, I wish to have straight A’s for my last senior report card. That would prove to everyone that I really can do it and maybe they would stop calling me stupid or dumb. I wish to also have high honor roll all year next year. Another short term goal is to get accepted to an Ivy League school such as Yale or University of Pennsylvania. This would make me so delighted to know that I am smart enough to be accepted. I may not go there, but it would be an honor to be accepted. I also wish to possibly get an internship at a wedding planning facility so I can see what it’s like. While there, maybe I can start completing my five year goals. Five year goals are a little harder to achieve because they can change quicker than short term goals if you make a wrong turn. Just like a GPS, they may recalculate themselves. One five year goal I wish to achieve is to graduate college with a major in business administration and a minor in musical theater so I can continue dramatics while fulfilling my job. I also wish to graduate with at least a 3. grade average if not higher. For that I will need to stay organized, control my procrastination, and do a fulfilled job on any assignments I may have. I wish to stay as an intern in the wedding planning business or even start planning businesses myself. Within these, I would also like to continue dramatics and singing so that if the opportunity forms to act on television or even Broadway, I can take it. While all this i s happening I hope to have a stable home and after graduating start saving money to open my own wedding planning business. Within these I should have a strong foundation to start my ten year goals. My ten year goals include owning my own successful wedding planning business and having a family. These goals are hopefully a little more stable than five year goals, but most likely not. They can change depending on your five year goals and short term as well. I don’t plan on starting a family until I am fully stable with my job and in my house. I don’t want to bring a child into this world without a stable family to take care of their every need. Since I already have these plans, I hope to have a good clientele following who will suggest me to other to plan their wedding instead of someone else. I want to help people save as much money on their wedding that they can. Another goal which will be extremely hard to fulfill will be to become a famous actress and singer, or even to perform on Broadway at least once. All goals are hard to achieve, but I wish to succeed at all of them. Many people don’t even think about what they want to do in the future, but ever since I was little I have wanted to perform on Broadway or television. Just lately, as in this past year, have I decided that I wanted to be a successful wedding planner. The job will be challenging with picky brides to be, and stressed out grooms, but I think I can do it justice. Goals in general are just hard to complete but I think I can. With as many goals as I have, I can definitely complete at least 3 of the long term ones. â€Å"Will you succeed? Yes you will indeed. Ninety-eight and three- quarters guaranteed†. Dr. Seuss.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Room With A View | Analysis

A Room With A View | Analysis In the opening of the novel Forster presents repression within the English class system leading to a life with no view which is represented by the fact that Lucy and Charlotte did not get the rooms overlooking the Arno that they expected. Charlotte represents the stiff and conventional society that is holding Lucy back. Charlottes protecting embrace gave Lucy the sensation of fog. She wants Lucy to behave in a ladylike way and wants her to avoid any improper behaviour with young men. Charlotte holds Lucy back from expressing her true emotions with George Emerson perhaps because of being humiliated herself in a love affair many years ago. I have met the type before. They seldom keep their exploits to themselves. This has prevented Charlotte from seeing that true love exists and so presents to Lucy the complete picture of a cheerless, loveless world with no view. Forster also shows the reader that there are romantic features hidden inside her. This is shown when she secretly tells Miss Lavish about George and Lucys kiss who then proceeds to write her novel about it. This same repression is seen with Lucy who plays her piano with passion showing that only through her music can Lucy truly express herself otherwise she is just an ordinary conventional girl. If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting (p30) Mr Beebe is waiting for the moment when Lucy can break free from Charlotte and lead a more bold and daring life. When Lucy returns to her home in England the drawing room curtains at Windy Corner had been pulled to meet for the carpet was new and deserved protection from the August sun. They were heavy curtains, reaching almost to the ground, and the light that filtered through them was subdued and varied. The drawing room curtains protect the furniture from the damaging rays of the sun, just as Lucy has been protected in Italy by Charlotte. There is no view and the light has been blocked. This symbolises how Lucy is repressed and prevented from seeing the true nature of life. They are denied the beauty of a view. Cecil also attempts to protect Lucy with his confining ideas. Cecils attitude towards women is arrogant and dismissive: he treats Lucys ideas as if they are of feminine inconsequence and wants her to conform to an image of a Leonardo painting of mystery and quietness, in which he is always dominant. When Lucy thinks of Cecil its always in a room and one with no view (p99). This illustrates how Cecil is repressing Lucys feelings, providing her with a life of monotony and so preventing her seeing the true view of life. Forster uses Italy to awaken Lucy to new ways of thinking and the opening up of windows to view the world. The well-known world had broken up, and there emerged Florence, a magical city where people thought and did the most extraordinary things that has the power, perhaps to evoke passions, good and bad, and bring them to speedy fulfilment (p51). Italy is uninhibited by class restrictions and this sensation of equality and freedom shakes the foundations of Lucys previous view of the world. It is a place where anything can happen. Lucys view on life initially begins to open up by George and Mr Emerson swapping rooms. I have a view, I have a viewThis is my sonhis names George. He has a view, too. Mr Emerson is speaking of their views of the river, but the Forster intends the text to have a double meaning. The Emersons view has to do with more than the quality of their rooms and Forster implies a metaphorical meaning in that the Emersons have a superior view of life which is much freer and more exciting. Miss Lavish takes her Baedeker guidebook and subsequently loses her in Santo Croce when for one ravishing moment Italy appeared to Lucy. Inside the church he meets the Emersons who show her how to enjoy the church by following her heart not by her guidebook. Their philosophic view helps Lucy in her exploration of her own life and the world. The pernicious charm of Italy worked on her, and instead of acquiring information, she began to be happy. Furthermore when Lucy witnesses the murder and the Italian falls at her feet she is overwhelmed the spontaneity of the incident. When she regains consciousness after fainting and is rescued by George, she realises that she as well as the dying man, had crossed some spiritual boundary. Lucy begins to realise that her image of the world based on how others think she should be is being replaced by spontaneous reaction and raw instinct. A new view is opening up for her. She contemplated the River Arno, whose roar was suggesting some unexpected melody to her ears. This view of the river symbolises the great change inside Lucy and the journey to find her true view of life. Lucy however is not reborn into a passionate woman until she is kissed by George. The view was forming at last. Forster is showing how Lucys discovery of her view mirrors her personal discovery. Her experiences in Italy change her, giving her new eyes to view the world, and a view of her own soul as well. Finally Lucy at lasts gains freedom to look out of windows. She is able to see clearly what she wants from life. George tells her that Cecil only sees her as an object to be admired and will never love her enough to grant her independence, while George loves her for who she truly is. Conventional, Cecil, youre that, for you may understand beautiful things, but you dont know how to use them; and you wrap yourself up in art and books and music, and would try to wrap up me. I wont be stifled, not by the most glorious music, for people are more glorious, and you hide them from me. She then breaks off her engagement with Cecil and in doing this she breaks the social code of society. A last minute meeting with Mr Emerson convinces Lucy to admit and act upon her love for George. How he managed to strengthen her. It was as if he had made her see the whole of everything at once. At the very end of the novel George and Lucy have eloped and have returned to the same Pension in Italy and look ou t from the same window to the future world. Although they both look out to the same view of Italy it is with a very different view of the world. Georges view has become clear through his relationship with Lucy who has given him a point to his existence and Lucys view has changed both emotionally and by breaking away from her social class. They both have a literal and metaphorical room with a view one that involves living for the moment and not simply for society. In conclusion Forsters title A Room with a View is very affective because through Lucys eyes we have strayed through the streets of Florence and returned slightly changed, unable to look at the world in the same old way. We all need the room to express our personal truths and the openness and freedom to love that the views in Forsters novel represent.